Selçuk Balamir

Selçuk Balamir is a designer by trade, educator by profession and activist by inclination, working in postcapitalist politics, commoning practices and ecological transition. He has been active in the European climate justice movement since 2009. He co-founded grassroots disobedient action collectives (codeROOD, Fossil Free Culture, Queers4Climate) and co-developed creative-strategic frameworks of Climate Games and Shell Must Fall campaigns. He co-initiated the social housing cooperatives NieuwLand and de Nieuwe Meent. His PhD in Cultural Analysis from University of Amsterdam is on postcapitalist design. He currently teaches New Earth (eco-social design) at Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam and is the Artist in Residence at the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture. He identifies himself as originally-from-Turkey, French-speaking, queer-migrant and cat-person. People say he’s usually good at starting things but quite bad at finishi— — —

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