
During the pandemic, our grantees asked for stimulating content and in response we started two online event formats. The Deeper Inquiry sessions, where we deep dive into critical issues in contemporary activism and political visioning. These events take place every two months, more or less, with inputs recorded for posterity, and an intimate Q&A for the live participants. You can see what our upcoming Deeper Inquiry is below, participation is free and open to anyone, just register via EventBrite.

In addition, for our grantees, we co-organise P2P sessions, which are knowledge exchanges, case clinics, toolkit presentations, strategic co-visioning, campaign, community organising coaching. If you’d like to request a P2P session or have something to offer get in touch at

Missed an old session? You can listen to the past sessions while daydreaming about fully automated luxury gay space communism.

A Deeper Inquiry

A series of virtual, activist meet-ups that dig deeper into pressing political issues, spark honest conversation & experience sharing around difficult subject matter and build wider community ties across the European grassroots activist scene.

Unlearning the Activist Script

"Unlearning the Activist Script" is a series of online workshops looking at the societal and psychological ’script’ that can underpin activism – and exploring the alternatives.