Resources for Radical Funders

We’ve gathered some content that will expand your notion of philanthropy, giving, funding, channeling of resources into causes with political impact. The dominant narrative in the foundation world have antiquated systems of clinging to power or metric-dogma or strategic micromanagement, instead we can lean into more radically egalitarian frameworks, participatory power-sharing processes or trust-building cultures that support grassroots emancipation. No return on investment, except deep systemic shifts. Dive in (and if you have great, relevant content to share, write to us at:

Pathways to Power Shift: Movement-led Funding in de Age of Billionaires

Insight on Participatory Grantmaking: Romy Krämer, FundAction and Guerrilla Foundation

How do Funders Match the Scale of Grassroots Movement-Building with Bold & Effective Philanthropy?

Dismantling Philanthropy Towards a True Just Transition

Redistribution Stories: Nora on Moving Inheritance from Individual Collective

New Era Windows, a worker-owned cooperative in Chicago

Tools & Edgy Reads

If you’re at the start of your wealth redistribution journey, the article How to Create Safety and Security Without Accumulating Wealth is a solid starting point that can be useful to evolve your thinking and strategy on giving. Besides, there’s the Good Ancestors Movement’s “reimagining wealth” course for funders seeking support on wealth stewardship for redistribution that is values-led, regenerative and reparative.

Listen Up

Debunking the Myth of Homo Economicus

Feminism for the 99 Percent

Privilege Check Diagram from Resource Generation

A Radical Approach to Funding the Climate Justice Ecosystem

Extracts from a course on Active Philanthropy looking at how foundations could better support climate justice movements to address the climate crisis.