Application Process

Action Grants

  • Grants >10k EUR, on average 15k EUR, up to 20k EUR.
  • Either we scouted you, a social movement comrade suggested you, or you reached out to us and we decided to invite you to apply.
  • All grants applications are submitted through our own grants management system, and candidates are invited to write us via our email.
  • If there is alignment in values & selection criteria in theory, we schedule a call to meet and assert that there is alignment lived in practice.
  • We receive expressions of interest on a rolling basis.
  • The expression of interest (EoI) application (first phase) includes 7 main questions for you to answer, namely about your group, your approach to systemic change and what activities you are looking to fund.
  • 5 Activist Council members review this EoI on a rolling basis (waiting time approx. 3 weeks).
  • If successful, you submit a full application.
  • A minimum of 3 council members and 2 team members review the final application.
  • There is a deliberation process every 2 months where team & council discuss application evaluations as well as the political/local context of the applicant & other important information worth sharing. (we want to manage expectations while being transparent, the success rate at this stage is 90%, so high, but there are always a few who don’t make the cut).
  • If the deliberation process results in a hung jury, we will ask the applicant to answer additional questions and we’ll conclude the decision-making process through email after reviewing the answers internally.
  • We have 5 Action grant decision making calls a year, and a lot of grant requests to process. For those who get to apply, waiting time between the first exchange with our team and the applicant receiving the final answer is approximately 5-6 months.

Reflex Grants

  • Grants <9k EUR, on average 5k EUR, down to 1.5k EUR.
  • Either we scouted you, a social movement comrade suggested you, or you reached out to us via email and we decided to invite you to apply.
  • If there is alignment in values & selection criteria, we send you a reflex application form (if there is alignment uncertainty we may also schedule a call with you).
  • You submit the reflex application through our grants management system.
  • The team evaluates your application & replies within 2 weeks. We can sometimes accommodate very urgent requests by responding in less than two weeks if the urgency is warranted by you in the application (e.g. for a quick local mobilisation/direct action).

Grant application