A Deeper Inquiry #9: Post Capitalist Philanthropy: Healing Wealth in the Time of Collapse A Deeper Inquiry

Speakers: Alnoor Ladha & Lynn Murphy

Based on their new book Post Capitalist Philanthropy: Healing Wealth in the Time of Collapse, co-authors Lynn Murphy and Alnoor Ladha invite us for a deep-dive discussion to explore the history of wealth accumulation and its current operational logic in late-stage capitalism, ultimately tapping into the lived possibilities of other ways of knowing, sensing and being that can usher in life-centric models. This requires “ontological shifts”, as they call it, into new possibilities for both activism and philanthropy. Creating new-ancient-emerging realities is not simply about how we redistribute wealth or “fight power”, but rather, how we non-dualistically perceive and embody our actions in relationship to a dynamic, animistic world and cosmos.

Speakers bios

Lynn Murphy is a strategic advisor for foundations and NGOs working in the geopolitical South. She was a senior fellow and program officer at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation where she focused on international education and global development. She resigned as a”‘conscientious objector” to neocolonial philanthropy. She holds an MA and PhD in international comparative education from Stanford University. She is also a certified Laban/Bartenieff movement analyst.

Alnoor Ladha is an activist, journalist, political strategist and community organiser. From 2012 to 2019 he was the co-founder and executive director of the global activist collective The Rules. He is currently the Council Chair for Culture Hack Labs. He is an advisor to many social movements and not-for-profit organizations including the Post-Carbon Institute, Local Futures, The Emergence Network, Education for Racial Equity, Ekta Parishad (the landless people’s movement of India), and others.

Lynn and Alnoor are co-directors of Transition Resource Circle: https://www.transitionresourcecircle.org/

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