Activist council

These folks are the decision-makers behind our Action Grants (10k+ EUR), they have inherited the grant-making processes we’ve been refining over the past 6 years, and since the start of their term (June 2022) they have already refined such processes with updated selection criteria. Alongside word-of-mouth & peer-to-peer suggestions, the council also scouts and recommends new social movements, activist collectives and campaigns for funding. Their members are also involved in other work areas of the foundation, and actively help shape the wider strategy of the Guerrilla Foundation going forward. Their mandates are 2 years, after which other activists working across Europe will take their place. 

Tap on the images for more information about the activist council members.

Binta Jammeh

Binta Jammeh

Ilaj Zaremba

Ilaj Zaremba

Iva Čukić

Iva Čukić

Jovan Džoli Ulićević

Jovan Džoli Ulićević

Joris Leverink

Joris Leverink

Kevin Buckland

Kevin Buckland

Maria Francesca de Tullio

Maria Francesca de Tullio

Melike Futtu

Melike Futtu

Mohammed Elnaiem

Mohammed Elnaiem

Nat Skoczylas

Nat Skoczylas

Sidorela Vatnikaj

Sidorela Vatnikaj

Živilė Mantrimaitė

Živilė Mantrimaitė

Former AC members

Selçuk Balamir

Selçuk Balamir

Carla Fernandes

Carla Fernandes

Tatiana Garavito

Tatiana Garavito